The Things Behind The Door

Lockdown has trapped Beatrix in her house. But what’s trapped in there with her? Find out in ‘The Things Behind the Door’, a new audio drama short written by me and performed by Lisa Graydon as part of the Ragged Scratch podcast’s ‘Isolation Sessions’.
The Things Behind The Door
This was a fun little project that I got involved with recently. The Ragged Scratch Podcast put out a call for five-minute (or thereabout) long monologues from writers, and a call for voice artists with their own home recording studios. Writers were then matched with voice artists with the aim of completing this project while at home in lockdown, hence the name “The Isolation Sessions”.
Please have a listen if you’ve got five minutes. I’m sure you’ll agree that Lisa has done an excellent job, not only on performing my script but also with the sound production as well! There are some other wonderful stories in the other Isolation Sessions episodes, so I’d definitely encourage you to work your way through the back-catalogue if you have the time.